20 Minute Hatha Yoga Focused on Root Chakra

In this Hatha Yoga Flow class, we begin with the root chakra hand mudras. Class is designed for all levels and encourages you to find stillness in the midst of distractions. Observe the breath (pranayama) and the qualities of the breath. How does it feel in and around you?

Notice the connection of breath to movement and if you find you are holding your breath or tend to tense up when you are facing difficulty. This is a perfect class to come back to balance and establish stability as you root into your foundation.

The root chakra is the first chakra of 7. We invite the alternate nasal breath to establish a balance between the right and left nostrils and the sides of the brain. This enlivens the inner intelligence and prepares the body as a whole to enter into meditation.

Adapt poses as needed for your level of practice. Use any props to support your knees and wrists.

This is a great flow to begin and/or end your day.

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No experience is needed. All classes are curated to work within what you have in your surroundings.

Props to consider having nearby:

a wall

a blanket






chair - Any type of chair will do, however, chairs without arms on the side are the best tool for this practice.

As always, please consult a physician before beginning any physical activity.


Hatha Yoga Warm Up and Flow 20 min Part 2 of 3 for Flexibility


15-Minute Muladhara Root Chakra Meditation