Ep:29 Embracing Loneliness. Overcoming the Fear of Loneliness


Healing Your Heart and what’s most important is understanding how to sustain our boundaries and invite times to pause, rest, and explore, while being comfortable alone. loneliness is the fear of looking in the mirror and being comfortable with all your perfect imperfections. It is facing the truth of who you are and finding acceptance within awakening into your wholeness.

Have you ever wondered why every time you misplace something and you are going nuts looking for it you can never find it, and then, when you aren’t looking for it, it shows up? Join us in today's episode to discover the art of embracing loneliness.


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Ep:30 The Art of Healing Your Heart: Human Doings vs Human Beings: Being Human During Turbulent Times


Ep:28 The Art of Healing Your Heart: Working Through Grief. The Alchemy of the Heart, working through the symptoms of Broken Heat Syndrome, overcoming the Grieving process.